About Us
and the waterways that connect us.
AlexRenew is governed by a five-member citizen Board of Directors and is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia created under the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act. Recognized as an independent, special-purpose government unit, AlexRenew's 120 employees manage wastewater for more than 300,000 people in Alexandria, Virginia and parts of Fairfax County, Virginia. AlexRenew staff are guided by the vision that every drop of water contributes to a thriving community and healthy environment for all.
AlexRenew currently maintains capital assets valued at approximately $1.2 billion and treats approximately 38 MGD (up to 116 MGD during wet weather) of wastewater at its WRRF, located in Alexandria, Virginia.
Environmental Sustainability
Each year, AlexRenew helps improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay by removing over 2,400 tons of nitrogen, 300 tons of phosphorus, and reducing bacteria to near zero levels.
Additionally, the authority reuses 1 billion gallons of treated wastewater in our operations, reducing our potable water demand by about 97 percent. Our team also captures methane from the digestion process and uses it to power processes on AlexRenew's wastewater treatment plant, offsetting 50 percent of its natural gas needs.
AlexRenew's Environmental Center is the first LEED Platinum building in Alexandria. It is equipped with about 420 solar panels that generate 13 percent of the building’s electricity. Within is an educational lobby and 6th floor conference space open to the public use. On average, we host 200 people per month. A popular athletic field located directly behind the Environmental Center sits atop a storage tank associated with our wastewater treatment process.
In addition, AlexRenew is overseeing RiverRenew, the largest infrastructure project in the history of Alexandria. Once complete, it will prevent over 120 million gallons of combined sewage from entering Alexandria’s waterways each year.

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